
Which two celebrities do you always mix up with one another?

9 years ago by doodlegirl with 20 comments

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  • Boudicca

    Kurt Russell and Patrick Swayze

    • Boop

      For me I've always confused Kurt Russell with Jeff Bridges.

    • jcscher

      Also Kurt Russell and Patrick Swayze for me.

  • Urgz

    Used to be Jim Belushi and Bill Murray for me.

  • Bastou

    Leelee Sobiesky and that other actress that used to look like her a few years ago... I can't remember her name though, nor in what movie I saw her. It's not Helen Hunt.

  • Sarcasm

    Jesse Eisenberg and Michel Cera.

    They even used to be type cast in the exact same way.

  • fred

    Chad Smith and Will Ferrell look pretty similar.

    But if I had to provide an answer I would say Jeff Bridges and The Dude.

  • marenmor

    Albert Finney and William Shatner.