  • redalastor

    I honestly don't know. We own a ton of stuff, some of it in the US. But mostly in Canada.

  • spaceghoti
    @redalastor -

    How about Victoria? I'd totally pull up roots and move to Vancouver Island.

  • redalastor
    @spaceghoti -

    Quite likely. We have a large chunk of the news country wide and always acquire more.

    Though, I'm just starting out so I couldn't help you get a job there, especially that far from headquarters.

  • spaceghoti
    @redalastor -

    News? Oh, that's kind of ironic. I'm working for a broadcasting corporation now. Not that it gives me much of an edge since it's just level 1 service desk.

  • redalastor
    @spaceghoti -

    Are they treating you well?

    • spaceghoti
      @redalastor -

      So far so good. Nothing to get excited about. It's work and it pays the bills.