
How would you feel about the option to make your comment history private?

I personally know for a fact that by scavenging user profiles you can paint quite a clear picture about them as a person, and sometimes I find this unsettling. However, I also feel like sharing stuff openly can generally help by increasing transparency between individuals.

What are your opinions on this?

8 years ago by bogdan with 9 comments

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  • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

    Actually I'm glad you should ask this because compared to reddit this place is a bit more privacy oriented. There are two differentiating points that I can make off the top of my head, feel free to add to the list.

    1. Viewing someone's feed only shows you comments from the last 14 days (I believe it may even be 7 days now), after that they fade into oblivion
    2. Older comments can only be located when using the search function, but only when entering specific search terms will you get results

    I think this works really great because you can see what the user has been posting from the last few days which should be enough to see if they are worth following, but not enough information to go back through someone's the full comment history and creepily stalk someone. Also, limiting this posting history is key to stopping personal attacks made by trolls which target's someones character or life preferences.

    Edit: Screwed up the formatting (as always!)

    • Cheesemangeur

      I never knew about this, it's such a simple concept but really effective. I'm glad it's this way, it sounds a lot more balanced and private. Thanks for the explanation!

  • cheezoncrack

    I dont even know how to view it myself.

  • spaceghoti

    I wouldn't use that feature myself, but I know of people who would. I know a popular tactic in reddit was to regularly delete everything in your history to hide.

  • CodeSoldier

    I think that it sounds like an interesting feature, but I personally believe that you should be willing to stand by anything you say. So I wouldn't be using it, but I could see it being a useful feature.

    • Gozzin

      Yeah,I have no reason to use it either and I think it's fine that people's comments vanish after a certain point in time. The only exceptions I'd make would be help areas and for these,as an example, the moderator could add a sticky to useful and important posts.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

    [This comment was removed]

  • Tawsix

    I don't know... I think it is kind of useful to be able to see another's comments, not to necessarily "paint a picture of them" but at least see where they tend to post, especially if you are looking to see if there are tribes that you might not know about and might want to participate in.

    I'm going to say no at the moment. I don't see the benefits of blocking it to be honest.

  • MyUserName

    I know someone who will internet stalk everyone, myself included. It's creepy as fuck, I've mentioned it being creepy but he doesn't understand he thinks it normal. The thing with this is that if he hadn't told me I wouldn't have known, therefore it's hard to gauge just how many people how similar behaviours. They don't value privacy or personal space and believe that if it's posted on the internet it's fair game. Which in some cases is true, just not to do with people's personal lives. Therefore I believe it should be an option for the individual for what happens with their comment history as some people are very wary of their privacy and others don't care so much.

    Some options I think may be viable are: 1. Allowing only trusted users access to comment history more than X days old. This still doesn't help that much as you can never be sure of a persons intentions, however it's better than allowing everyone access. IMO. 2. After X days the users comments are thrown into a pool from the relevant tribe(s). This would mean that it would still give a rough idea of what the persons ideals and values are without revealing too much easily identifying information about the individual user, since it would be bundled with other users. 3. Straight up remove the ability to catalogue history. I have no reasoning I just wanted to get to 3.

    Of course this is all under the assumption that it isn't up to the user themselves to be careful with what they put on the internet.

    Sorry, I lost my train of thought and it turned to mess....

  • alapseofsanity

    I think one thing it would prevent would be people rifling through your comment history when you're having a discussion with them. This can prevent the ever-obnoxious "oh well according to your comment history you make all sorts of opinions like this and subscribe to these tribes and" etc etc. However, that can also be prevented by just having the community discourage that kind of behavior.