
What's a prejudice that you hold?

8 years ago by aj0690 with 18 comments

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  • twoBits

    I have become prejudice towards rich people. It's probably part jealousy too, but prejudice as well. For example, the Kardashians. I can't stand seeing them any longer. It drives me nuts that they have amassed such wealth, and for what? If you have earned your wealth, great! More power to you! But, I can't stand it when rich little shits get Ferraris for their 18th birthday and I have to worry about paying medical bills for my kids.

    • mcsmitheslc

      I have to agree with you. I might have to move to San Francisco and am dreading living like a serf while $5,000 rent isn't a big deal for someone.

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  • ttubravesrock

    If you drive a Dodge Ram with a Hemi, I assume that you are a douchebag.

    I have several other completely unfounded prejudices, but that is the first one that pops into my mind.

  • mcsmitheslc (edited 8 years ago)

    While there are exceptions to this in some places/people, I am not a fan of fraternities and sororities. I initially assume a few things about someone based on my experiences with the people from them. It seems like they are a popularity contest overall. They also seem to have had a few bullies or in general are stuck up or shallow in some other way since it's paying for friendship. I know what they are supposed to symbolize, but it doesn't seem to stay true to its roots too often these days. Often the people who were in fraternities and sororities cheated in classes which was annoying to those of us who studied.

    Mind you, I've met a handful of people who went to these who turned out to be okay, but it sounds like it came down to their school and chapter culture that made up their organization. I'm willing to give people a fair chance if they seem nice or independent though.

  • septimine

    If you're on tumblr, I assume you're shallow.