  • Inconceivable

    I hunt for the things I know. Orion and Cassie, Jupes, Saturn, Mars, Venus if I'm lucky.

    I look for satellites. The ISS is easy to spot, and there are 3 people up there right now. Sometimes I get lucky and spot a real good flare, and I like to think to myself that I could be the only person on the planet who sees that satellite at that moment.

    I think about the vast expanses of time and space, and wonder who's out there. We're made of common stuff, so to think someone else is out there isn't too far fetched. I'm not saying they visit, just that they might be out there somewhere.

    In winter the air is so much clearer. During those months, I think to myself that the best seat to this show is only afforded to those that brave the cold.