  • idlethreat

    Replying to myself to keep from flooding the page with anecdotes.

    Worked at a small web hosting company where the head of HR just happened to be the CEO's mom. She was hilarious. Loved pulling pranks and shit. Back in the day, the "developer herd" (about 15 guys) would rip out of the office at 3pm, walk a few blocks to a local gas station. Buy up a shit ton of energy drinks, snacks and stuff, and then walk back to the building.

    That particular day, I had to deliver a box to one of our locations. CEO told me she would take me. Met her up at the front of the building, hopped in. She took a hard left and started down the road. Lo and behold, it was about 3:30 and the developer herd was on it's way back, munching on snacks and downing energy drinks. "Watch this" she said.

    She sped up, turned a hard right on the wheel, bouncing up onto the curb, aiming right for the developer herd. Geeks scattered, dropping snacks and energy drinks and otherwise trying to get out of the way. Slowed down just enough so everyone could see her grinning face (and me in the passenger seat floor board), when she turned back on the road and drove straight to my destination.

    "They deserved it" she muttered, lighting up a cigarette. "They damn well know that breaks are 15 minutes".

    This is a true story.