
What scares you about the future and why?

9 years ago by 8mm with 19 comments

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  • Fuyu

    As an American Millennial: Damn near everything. My generation is inheriting a government that is near shambles and an economy and job market that's even worse. It feels like we're leading up to a racial civil war. An insanely delusional country hates us and has nukes, and Russia is still being Russia. The west cost is probably going to go underwater before I die, maybe at the same time.

    At this point I'm not sure what there's NOT to be afraid of.

    • the7egend

      Nothing to be afraid of, it's your duty as a millennial to ensure the system is even more fucked up than what it already is for the next generation. It's the American Dream.

      • utesred

        Hey! I can definitely do that! :)

  • click

    What if I never learn to deal with depression?

    • Zephyrium

      If you're depressed please get help if you haven't already. I've dealt with depression for a number of years and i always though i would deal with it or just get better without help. Well, 15 years later it hadn't gotten better and near the end of my rope I finally went and got help, It took a couple medication changes and talking to a therapist and while it's not completely gone it's gotten a hell of a lot better. There's no point in suffering in silence because you think it might go away.

      • click

        how do I know if it's "bad enough"? I had quite a tough first half year but am doing better now (also thanks to being able to talk more about it with my SO, and deepening some friendships).

        Basically I'm just not sure when/if I should. There's a lot of stigma attached, not just the feeling that I'd be judged (because probably no one would know, except the wife), but mostly because.... I don't know if I want to. I don't know if I want to feel that "out of control" that I need something like that - even if I might.

  • hitthee (edited 9 years ago)

    So many things.

    Here's a few:

    The extinction of bees. The planet drying up. Pollution and global warming. Loss of food security. Continuing to fail at everything I try. Dying alone. People.

    Why? experience, cause and effect, lack of effort to confront take your pick

  • Boudicca (edited 9 years ago)

    Living long enough to see my youngest child confidently stride into his future.

  • stitches

    Losing the people I love. My Nana is 91, she brought me up from six months til I was 7, I speak to her every Sunday at 6pm without fail and visit her as often as I can. She's been the one constant throughout my life. I have no idea what I'll do when she's gone. It scares the crap out of me.

  • Traveler

    The exponential growth of AI, and loss of control thereof - The Matrix becomes a reality

    Useful reference material on this subject at: http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-2.html

    • Qukatt

      I never saw the issue with living in the matrix. Why was the inhospitable "real world" preferable to the Matrix

      • spaceghoti

        The denial of autonomy and misinformation. The Matrix itself wasn't the problem, but the fact that people weren't allowed to know they were in the Matrix or leave it if they chose was. The final solution was a compromise: the Matrix would continue and people still used as living batteries for the machines, but this fact wouldn't be hidden from them any longer. They would have the choice about whether or not they wanted to remain in the Matrix or allowed to leave and pursue a different life in the "real world."

        • Traveler

          Yes, the subjugation of the human race by the AI it foolishly created

  • madjo

    That I'll remain forever alone. My previous relationships haven't exactly been all that great to inspire trust in other people. But I'd like to share my life with someone nice, I just don't know how to go about and find that someone.

    • spaceghoti

      Keep meeting people and being sociable. I didn't meet my fiancée until I was 35.For a time I despaired of ever enjoying a relationship that lasted more than a year or two.

      • madjo

        It's difficult when one has a hard time trusting people, but I can say that at least I'm trying. :)

        • spaceghoti

          My advice for relationships is generally to stop focusing on the expectation of romance and focus instead on the expectation of friendship. I have never objected to being "friend-zoned," which I always considered misogynistic bullshit in the first place. If I really care about someone then I'm going to make their needs and desires a priority rather than impose mine on them. If they feel the same way toward me then a more romantic relationship can flourish.

          I'll be marrying my best friend in a few weeks, in part because she became my friend long before she became my lover.

          • madjo

            Friendzone, it's such a stupid term anyway, as if men and women can't be friends, as if all there can be between men and women is some sort of sexual or romantic relationship, and nothing else. Yes, it can be painful when you fancy someone, and they don't fancy you back in the same way, but that doesn't mean you can't be friends. Just be clear about your intentions and continue to communicate and keep a level head.

            People who know me, know that I almost always put my friends first, and myself second. That's not necessarily a good thing, mind you, but it makes me happy to see my friends happy. On the other hand, I find it difficult to make new friends. Probably because of the same thing. There only so much 'madjo' to share around. :) Oh well, one day I'll figure out this thing called life out.

  • Wenjarich

    I really believe that as the population grows and people feel more and more ontop of each other and resources become more scares, unless we find a plausible we of spreading our population outward (into space) we are going to be witness to a massive war/collapse of society. This scares me because I will either be forced into a terribleife of kill or be killed in some form of conscription or I'll be too old to fight and I'll have to sit back and watch as the future of humanity is decided by those younger than myself with weapons in their hands.