  • voicesinmyhead

    Came here for this exactly reply.

    I'm definitely a procrastinator, but I (almost) always find time to get some exercise. Some days I really don't feel like lifting, so I'll usually at least go for a bike ride with the kids or go for a run by myself.

    • ClarkKent

      Running didn;t use to be my favorite thing, and than after eating healthy and training my body and watching it learn to pace it self. I love love running, love how I feel after and just feel like a more advanced human after running. If that makes any sense at all lol.

      • UpAndRunning (edited 8 years ago)

        Actually, I've found that I feel more accomplished, maybe that's the feeling you have in mind. However, at the beginning of every run, I do feel like a "more advanced human", meaning that I feel I'm in a better shape than before.

        • ClarkKent

          Also, I am abnormal in the sense that I love sweating. I have a two hour commute home and for the last hour I love sweating out all the toxins with the windows up. But ever since I have been a kid I have associated sweating with hard work, if you aren't working hard you aren't sweating.

          • UpAndRunning

            But ever since I have been a kid I have associated sweating with hard work

            I believe this depends on the person. Sometimes I sweat from walking and I'm a very skinny guy. But I get the feeling of having worked hard and it's true that it is often connected to sweating.

          • Pockets69

            ewwww xD

            i do love the feeling after a good workout, that extra 5 minutes that extra mile, that part when i was about to give up but went a little bit further, also the pain a few hours after, it gives me the feeling that i did my best.