Conversation 9 comments by 5 users
  • ClarkKent

    Hmm. I would say I am very good at working out. No matter what I can always make time for that? Cleaning, nah. Cooking, nah. But working out I always have time for that.

    Although I am good at cleaning and everything if I am on the phone with someone.

    • voicesinmyhead

      Came here for this exactly reply.

      I'm definitely a procrastinator, but I (almost) always find time to get some exercise. Some days I really don't feel like lifting, so I'll usually at least go for a bike ride with the kids or go for a run by myself.

      • ClarkKent

        Running didn;t use to be my favorite thing, and than after eating healthy and training my body and watching it learn to pace it self. I love love running, love how I feel after and just feel like a more advanced human after running. If that makes any sense at all lol.

        • UpAndRunning (edited 8 years ago)

          Actually, I've found that I feel more accomplished, maybe that's the feeling you have in mind. However, at the beginning of every run, I do feel like a "more advanced human", meaning that I feel I'm in a better shape than before.

          • ClarkKent

            Also, I am abnormal in the sense that I love sweating. I have a two hour commute home and for the last hour I love sweating out all the toxins with the windows up. But ever since I have been a kid I have associated sweating with hard work, if you aren't working hard you aren't sweating.

            • UpAndRunning

              But ever since I have been a kid I have associated sweating with hard work

              I believe this depends on the person. Sometimes I sweat from walking and I'm a very skinny guy. But I get the feeling of having worked hard and it's true that it is often connected to sweating.

            • Pockets69

              ewwww xD

              i do love the feeling after a good workout, that extra 5 minutes that extra mile, that part when i was about to give up but went a little bit further, also the pain a few hours after, it gives me the feeling that i did my best.

    • captainjib

      That's awesome. I enjoy working out but I have to set aside time and commit to it, and even then I still have trouble actually getting out and exercising!

    • Pockets69

      would say the same, at least my will power when comes to working out is greater than to do other things, shame though this week with my cold and finishing my degree, it has been awful to workout.

      Some part of it may be because i work out at home, i just have to have the will power to get out of the sofa and start working out.