  • papervoid

    The movies are often nothing like the book. Dune for example. As an initial dive into SciFi, you can't really go wrong with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Snow Crash, The End of Eternity, Brave New World, or Stranger in a Strange Land.

    • PushPull (edited 8 years ago)

      I got about half way through Stranger in a Strange Land. Began to drag a bit for me. It was a few years ago, before I transitioned to e-books, perhaps I'll give it another shot.

      And on that note, I really liked The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Heinlein is such a great writer!

      • papervoid

        Ah, true. There are some slower bits. But I think they're worth chugging through for the rest of the book.