
Snapzu, what do you hate?

Yes, hate is a strong word.

9 years ago by Xeno with 86 comments

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Conversation 12 comments by 8 users
  • spaceghoti

    Cold. I grew up in the Buffalo south towns of New York State, and most years the ground disappeared under snow sometime around November and didn't reappear until May. By the time I was twelve I decided that if I never saw snow again it would be too soon.

    Shortly after I learned that the universe has a very low sense of humor.

    • Xeno

      It's interesting. Growing up in the desert, I always love it when I get to be in freezing, snowy weather. I have yet to have to shovel snow though... so that might be a downer.

      • spaceghoti

        My ex-wife is Australian and she'd never seen snow before she came to Denver, where I met her. After one season of scraping ice off windshields she decided I was right after all, and snow is best observed through a television.

        • massani

          And reserved for the slopes. If I could get pretty mild weather year round then make a trip into the mountains to experience the snow, that would be perfect.

        • Zephyrium

          At least Denver doesn't usually have too much snow, mostly it snows one day and is gone the next. This year seems to be an exception where it's been snowy and rainy alot.

          • spaceghoti

            That's why I keep coming back here. Two winters in Iowa convinced me that if I can't find somewhere warm to live I'll take the best possible compromise. It seems that life only offers me one of two options: be warm or find employment.

            • redalastor

              Humans have that weird skill at adapting to any weather just to the point where it annoys us. A Parisian is as annoyed at 40°F than a Montrealer at -5°F.

              And the big secret is that the suffering is only in your head. The physical sensation, you can't change. But you are deciding it is bothering you. And you can change that.

            • spaceghoti
              @redalastor -

              Fuck that noise. I'm going to win the jackpot, buy a small tropical island and never be cold again. That's my idea of heaven: warm and lazy with lots of fishing and swimming.

            • johnfear
              @spaceghoti -

              I want to do this, too. Let's go.

            • ttubravesrock
              @spaceghoti -

              if you buy your tropical island and never get cold again, you'll find something else to be bothered by. The sun is too bright. The sand is too sandy. The coconuts are too hard to open.

            • spaceghoti
              @ttubravesrock -

              I'm willing to risk it.

    • geogrammer

      One of the many reasons I left Western New York for the West Coast...

Conversation 15 comments by 10 users
  • TwoADay


    It's a goddamned burrito; it shouldn't be hard to make. But you stuff it full of rice (rice?! seriously?!) and charge $7 for it. I would normally just avoid it, but everyone my age has this cult-like devotion to the shit. Sorry, everyone, but I'm going to get my own lunch today.

    • NerfYoda

      I feel like I've found a kindred spirit. We should form a club or something. Who else out there can't stand Chipotle?

    • drunkenninja

      Damn it, I wish we had a Chiplotle here in Canada...

      • spaceghoti

        Why? What do you have against good food?

        • drunkenninja

          I have nothing against good food! Just wish there was a Chiplotle joint around here as the Mexican food around here is generally lacking.

          • RedditExodus

            Real Mexican food is made by someone from Mexico.

            It is the food of the gods.

            I'm still surprised she didn't burn her hand when she put the tortillas on the stove.

          • ColonBowel

            I wish you had a good Mexican food restaurant near you with delicious chimichangas, burritos, bistec ranchero, checp small tacos for sampling, and all you can eat chips and salsa!

    • Matime

      You'll hate me when I tell you I order double rice.

      • TwoADay

        It's your money,
        and your shitty burrito.

        I've nothing against you as long as your not a friend or coworker who tries to drag me there twice per week.

        • Matime (edited 9 years ago)

          My treat if you're interested. We can wear matching shirts and be twinsies. I'm excited.

      • ColonBowel

        This actually hurt me. Like, the world doesn't make sense to me anymore.

        • Matime

          I'm always here for you with a double rice burrito. Like I offered TwoADay - my treat if you're interested. Only difference is that we can have matching onesies.

    • treemayne

      you can request not get either rice or beans, i prefer to get burrito bowls there as their contents are usually worth the charge for it, with double sour cream mhmmmmmmm

    • ttubravesrock

      i've only been twice. I actually think taco bell tastes better.

    • picklefingers

      I mean, I love chipotle , but this is the first time I've heard of somebody who doesn't like it (instead of just not caring). I was beginning to think I was part of some, strange burrito-loving cult.

  • Nerdbiscuit

    Chewing noises. I used to get kicked out of family dinners a lot when I told my sisters to chew with their mouths closed. It would get to the point where my mom (another loud chewer) would scold me, I'd get dirty looks from all the sisters, and I'd just leave rather than deal with the torture any more.

    Misophonia. No one gets it.

    • BucksinSixxx

      When I was growing up I'd listen to a CD player eating breakfast before school because my sister is so bad at eating cereal. sluuuurp smack smack smack smack

      It's so annoying, and I don't get how they couldn't see what's wrong. Disgusting act.

    • staxofmax

      You and my wife would get along. She has it so bad that she has to eat in a separate room during meal times. And yes, we do chew with our mouths closed.

    • Gozzin

      I get it...Lucky for me,we all were taught manners. Chewing noises, music playing in stores,barking dogs,screaming children.

  • massani

    Ignorance. A lot of time, I just ignore it and move on, but sometimes I feel it's in my best interest to acknowledge it and address it. It's especially discerning when my really conservative dad says something ignorant about the LGBT community.

    • TwoADay

      talk to him more

    • Ricwulf

      Honest question. Do you hate people who are equally ignorant of those they label ignorant? Plenty of people are ignorant on what conservatives want and their perspectives. Do you hate them? Or is it only ignorance in topic like LGBT that you hate?

      Also, it doesn't matter, there is nothing bad about caring more for certain things, I'm simply curious about how far this hatred goes.

      • massani

        Mostly major annoyance than hatred. And it's also mostly directed at those ignorant of the LGBT community.

  • [Deleted Profile]

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  • Traveler

    Politicians who are driven by 'special interest' groups rather than by the general populace they were elected to serve

  • Bastou

    Disrespectful people. Of all kinds.

  • Zephyrium

    I hate when people have a phrase that they use all the time, not even a bad phrase and I'm not sure why it get's under my skin so much but it makes me crazy. For example one of the people i work work says "Well, the fact is" anytime you have a discussion with him and it drives me insane, nice guy but i try not to have conversations with him cause i know I'm going to hear it at least 5 times.

    • Zeus (edited 9 years ago)

      No offense but, with all due respect, here's the thing: At the end of the day, it is what it is. I, personally, try not to pick the low-hanging fruit. I reach out to people who do, people on my radar. The best practice is to avoid annoying phrases, it's a no-brainer. Be that as it may, I feel you. It's not that I could care less. But you need to see the big picture. Needless to say, it is what it is. Let's touch base, make this a win-win. Does that make sense to you? Bottom line, it is what it is.

      • Zephyrium

        Haha :P not the phrase that bothers me it's the repetition of it.

      • Bastou (edited 9 years ago)

        You're an evil man, a devilishly funny evil man (or woman).

  • johnfear

    The criminal justice system. It's such a wonkey mess.

  • Autumnal

    Racism and hatred. The US has an very furious political clime at the moment, and it's incredibly wearing to keep track of the news.

    • picklefingers

      Wait, I'm confused. Do you hate racism, hate people who hate racism, or hate the subject?

  • TempusThales

    Bigotry. Life is hard enough without people being dicks to each other over something as silly as race or gender or sexuality.

  • bradd

    People that down vote my good posts! JK let's not get into that again.

  • NameTaken

    Tomatoes. I just can't stand the taste and smell, I can taste the juices and it is soo strong. I would not eat it at all.

    • Xeno

      Tomatoes are pretty gross. Agreed.

      • drunkenninja

        Tomatoes are one of my favorite vegetables, I use it in everything.

    • Bastou

      For me, it's one of those foods that are very good anyway we cook or prepare them, but raw. For me the taste is good, it's the texture that I don't like. And I believe if we grew them for their taste and texture instead of for their weight, it could be much better.

      That's like onions, garlic and butter. Good anywhere and with everything, but alone and raw.

  • Chinchillin

    People that always violate personal space. It bothers me to no end.

    • turtledaze

      I'm with you. I feel like they're trying to suck the air directly out of my lungs :/

  • smackababy

    People who make internet jokes or reference memes when you're talking to them face to face. Drives me up a wall.

  • Chinky

    The feeling of helplessness.

  • jcscher

    LImburger Cheese.

    • ColonBowel

      Does anyone remember these books that were around the late 80's where there was a mouse that loved limburger or his name was Limburger?

      • Boudicca

        yes, rings a very vague bell, but was it on a cartoon show maybe?

      • jcscher

        "Does anyone remember these books that were around the late 80's where there was a mouse that loved limburger or his name was Limburger?" I don't remember that. Anybody else remember this?

  • spectregris

    Those caps on milk bottles, not the plastic lid, the peel off tin thing with the half-moon handle right down the center of the cap. Every time I try to open one I either mess up the cap or end up spilling half of the container all over my kitchen floor.

    • Boudicca

      I'd rather die from the industrial espionage/extortion poisoning that this lid is meant to prevent than have to deal with it

  • nicoscope

    Small-mindedness and people who value it.

  • ttubravesrock

    I don't hate anything/anyone. Life is too short to get worked up over things.

  • CrazyDiamond

    1. Tittering



  • hallucigenia

    Homelessness. Seriously. Why do people tolerate this ? Why doesn't the city give them homes? What are my tax dollars paying for??? Instead, we have people who are clearly insane hanging out on the sidewalk and annoying people. It's a tragedy. The mentally ill and drug addicted should have treatment centers where they can go and get help . But everybody just shrugs and accepts this as some unavoidable fact of life.

    Also, litter. The streets are a fucking mess. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you hire the homeless to clean up all the litter?!?

  • DrunkOldMan

    Both ex wifes.................

    • ColonBowel

      Stop drinking and keep it together. Then go through 2 girlfriends. After that, find a wife. Sober you has different tastes.

      • DrunkOldMan

        The bottle is my only friend..................

    • zerozechs

      Damn, Gibbs, that's a shame.

  • achensherd

    Customer service work. I'm done at the end of August. Then I'm going to be doing a different kind of customer service work (servicing clients as a paralegal), but at least it won't have anything to do with retail.

  • BucksinSixxx

    Scott Walker. He is destroying my state and now embarrassing us on a national stage.