treemayne's feed
9 years agoLevel Up trendkill
Level 6
trendkill is now level 6 with 15,015 XP.
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- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 65.
- Save Credits The maximum amount of save credits you can store has been raised by 2 to a total of 22.
9 years agoAchievement trendkill
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations trendkill on this achievement!
+1370 XP -
9 years ago
I could get behind a short film with that premise. Or at least I could have before M. Night had made The Happening. Now it'd be hard to take anything with that premise seriously.
9 years ago
I was lucky to leave the Humane Society with only the one! There were so many there that looked so sad and in need of a cuddle!
9 years ago
... A hockey musical? That's a thing?!
9 years agoLevel Up trendkill
Level 5
trendkill is now level 5 with 12,530 XP.
View Unlocks- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
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- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 20 to a total of 140.
9 years agoAchievement trendkill
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 25/25 comments! Congratulations trendkill on this achievement!
+2710 XP -
9 years agoComment trendkill
I spent my weekend mostly just cleaning my new house. My fiancee and I are renting it from her mom, who didn't do a very good job cleaning before she moved out.
I also spent a lot of time trying to keep my cats from eating the new one we brought home. Stupid Humane Society was having a special where any cat over 1 year old had no adoption fees, so now I've moved up to having three cats. I'm becoming the crazy cat person.
Also went over to a buddies to play roulette, drink brandy, and smoke a cigar. Because we're classy as fuck. Started out with my $10 in chips, walked away with $9 of that left, so I call it a win.
9 years agoComment trendkill
It might be cliche to say this, but The Happening. I was bored throughout the whole movie, and then the "twist" at the end was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Oh, and then the spores or whatever it was that caused people to off themselves just stopped because reasons.
Also, the one movie I've ever purposefully stopped because it was so bad: The Spirit. I don't even remember what was happening, but half an hour into it, I just couldn't watch any more.
9 years ago
I have nothing against musicals, myself. I will watch RENT and cry almost any day. But RHPS is just... Dumb! It's not funny, it doesn't have good songs, and it's not even in "so bad it's good" territory! I just don't get the appeal.
Maybe if I were to go to a midnight showing with the audience participation and everything, I would get sucked in to the fervor, but I just don't see myself actually doing that.
9 years ago
In defense of Happy Madison, there's Grandma's Boy.
9 years ago
My dad recently changed his profile pic to the Confederate Flag. I'm pretty afraid of what his opinion of the Court's decision will be.
9 years agoRelated Link trendkill
"I spoke up about the bullsh*t in Hollywood”: Rose McGowan fired for calling out industry sexism
trendkill added 1 related link(s)
There are a total of 2 items in the related links -
9 years agoComment trendkill
Heh, that all went down in the thread I started. Oops...
I definitely think that banning him was the right way to go. Being a dick is one thing, actually threatening someone is not acceptable. I thought that /u/drunkenninja handled the conversation with grace the whole time. Very professional.
As far as how I handle assholes in my daily life: I don't generally run into many offline except for some customers that contact me. For random people I see on the street, I usually just avoid them unless they're doing something that could actually harm someone. For customers, I just pour niceness on them until they either rage quit or calm down and listen to what I have to say.
9 years agoAchievement trendkill
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations trendkill on this achievement!
+1345 XP -
9 years ago
... I knew I forgot to do something.
Posted in: Great Scott! Lexus will build a hoverboard
9 years ago
Experience points are limes? BRB, running to the store for a bit...
9 years agoComment trendkill
Obama. Whether you like him or hate him, it's hard to argue that he won't be remembered, even if it's for nothing more than being the first black president.
9 years agoComment trendkill
I've never been a huge fan of their radio channels. I might give them a go with this change and see if they've improved them at all. Before, it was just repeating the same songs over and over with no real music discovery going on. They do have a great selection for their on-demand service, though.
9 years agoLevel Up trendkill
Level 4
trendkill is now level 4 with 6,035 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 60.
- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for the banner of any of your tribes.
- Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
9 years ago
Everyone knows that's impossible!
Not with the right attitude!
Posted in: Who else is here from reddit?
9 years ago
Is 'predict' even a word? It doesn't look spelled right, but Chrome didn't flag it as a misspelling...
Predict Predict Predict Pre-dict
Posted in: Who else is here from reddit?
9 years ago
Very good to hear. Now if they only had an app so that I could browse Snapzu from my phone, they'd have everything!
Posted in: Who else is here from reddit?
9 years ago
already tried to bring fatpeoplehate here and were shut down
Excellent. Not gonna lie, I kind of started this thread because I wanted to see if the majority of people coming here from reddit were the off-the-wall hateful types that got their subs banned. If those types are getting shut down, then I have a much larger chance of sticking around.
Posted in: Who else is here from reddit?
9 years agoAchievement trendkill
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations trendkill on this achievement!
+1315 XP -