
What is your coffee preference?

9 years ago by aj0690 with 20 comments

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  • amar771 (edited 9 years ago)

    For me, a good espresso beats everything (no sugar of course).

    I also enjoy macchiato/cappuccinos/lattes.

    Few things I can't stand are Americano, long black, mocha, or addition of sugar to any coffee.

  • hingeattack

    I don't really like coffee very much, but I've found I like it better at extremes. Either with so much cream and sugar it's no longer recognizable as coffee, or none at all, dark roast black.

  • DCSpud

    Not in my mug. I prefer tea.

  • spaceghoti

    Honey by preference, sugar otherwise. No milk or sweeteners. Substitute tea for coffee.

  • idlethreat

    I like my coffee the way I like my women...

    Ground up fine and in the freezer


    • Qukatt

      I like my Women like i like my coffee too; In a mug.

  • FivesandSevens (edited 9 years ago)

    Fresh ground dark-roasted beans, from a French press, no cream, no sugar.

  • marenmor

    Pourover on natural Ethiopian.

  • jenjen1352

    All milk, spoon of demerara, spoon and a half of whatever fancy instant coffee I'm currently drinking.

  • amphetamine

    I like my coffee to taste like coffee and not like cream and sugar.

  • moe

    A bit of cinnamon in the grounds and a small amount of milk. I used to use around four teaspoons of sugar per cup, though I picked up the cinnamon trick from a friend online and the difference from such a small amount is amazing.

  • yarnnoodles

    No sugar, just a splash of cream or half and half but not too much. I like things to still taste coffee-like.

  • sepsinn

    I luv coffee! Have no real preference, so long as it is fresh.

    mmmmmmmmmmmmm coffee... gotta go get a cup right NOW!

  • Boudicca

    Someone else making it for me

  • jmcs

    Expresso, mixed robusta and arabica, it should be consistent enough to slowly sink the sugar instead of letting it fall straight to the bottom.

  • TwoADay (edited 9 years ago)

    Kona with a splash of whole milk

  • hitthee (edited 9 years ago)

    As I would be dead without caffeine I've got to know it very well.

    My favorite roasts/ blends/ regions/ what have you are:

    Ethiopia Ennaria Limu and Rwanda Blue Bourbon

    I love all coffees but these are my favorites :D

    How do I take them? black I like my coffee to be coffee flavoured.

  • spectregris (edited 9 years ago)

    If I'm making it at home, French Roast Maxwellhouse, 1/3 of the mug half&half, coffee for the rest and 3 scoops of sugar, made in the french press (it's worth it trust me). If its starbucks or roasterie coffee, cafe mocha with whip.