
What happened the first time you got drunk?

Don't be shy people.

9 years ago by bradd with 25 comments

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  • LacquerCritic

    I was either 13 or 14 and it was my first proper party ever - and it was a house party full of troubled kids, all ages, with way too much freedom. I had no idea how to alcohol - no idea what a "drink" was supposed to look like and all alcohol tasted bad, but I knew I was supposed to get drunk. So I went to the kitchen alone, found a tumbler, and filled it to the brim with vodka like I would've done with water (again - no context for how much booze one was supposed to drink). Because it tasted awful, I just downed the whole glass as fast as possible.

    Following that, there was tent in the backyard where people were smoking joints. I was feeling the vodka pretty hard by this point and once again - I had no idea that mixing the two might've been a bad idea, nor how much weed was a proper amount. So when someone handed me two joints I figured I was supposed to smoke them (and I did).

    I ended up crawling under a coffee table and then pushing up on all fours to destroy every glass on the thing in one fell swoop, tackling a Christmas tree, intentionally falling down the stairs because it felt like bouncing in a bouncy castle, and crying for a long time (unrelated to the stairs). So all in all, not the worst it could've been.

    • redjax

      It's kind of a miracle you're still with us to tell us about it!

      • LacquerCritic

        I think there are a few people I know in real life who would agree with that sentiment!

    • desertjedi85

      Your clothes stayed on, that's a plus.

      • LacquerCritic

        I wasn't cool enough to go to parties where people got naked. This was the kind of party where everyone (men and women alike) wore a lot of eyeliner and there tended to be a few people crying.

  • Juqu (edited 9 years ago)

    It was in a party in my friend family's cottage. I was 15 or 16.
    We drank beer, listened music, played cards, went to sauna and swam in the sea. First of many such weekends.

  • jenjen1352

    Red wine at a friend's parents party when I was 15. I knew about alcohol but I'd only ever had a couple of glasses at the most. Four large glasses later I was being exceedingly sick over the loo. Friend's mum came in with some bicarbonate of soda in water to drink. I knocked it back with relish, asked for, and got, another one then went to bed really rather early. In the morning I was famished, so cooked and ate a big greasy breakfast. I felt fine. No-one else did. :)

    Damn, it just never occurred to me to see if the bicarb trick would work again!

  • DrunkOldMan

    Sooooooooooooo dam sick, Boones farm and Miller beer, man can you imagine............

  • oystein

    I was surprisingly late to getting drunk, so it was a pretty civil affair. I drank four tequila and observed the world spinning around for a while. Then we went to a party and I had several glasses of bad homemade white wine. At some point I got so tired of it, I stopped drinking and then I sobered up. I almost threw up once, but then I also stopped drinking, mostly because I hate throwing up.

  • spectregris

    At 15 whole caddy of wine coolers, a bathroom that looked like a warzone for cholera victims and an extremely pissed off ex later I discovered drinking isn't as fun as it seems and have been a proud teetotaler ever since.

    • redjax

      Good for you on not drinking!

      I'm not trying to convince you otherwise, but for anyone else reading this, drinking doesn't have to end up like that...it's pretty easy to control and moderate how much you're drinking (and by extension how you're acting). If there's someone going crazy at a party, drinking way too much and doing stupid stuff, try not to be around them while they're drinking, because you'll be tempted to drink more too. Do a couple shots if you want, but then try to limit yourself to whatever is in your hand. If you have to, keep track with pen/sharpy on your arm or something so you can see how much you've drank.

      If you really don't like alcohol though, there's nothing at all wrong with just not drinking it...but it doesn't have to turn out like the disasters in this thread!

      • spectregris

        I totally understand. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact the wine coolers tasted like juicy juice, I probably wouldn't have drank anyway. I can't stand the taste of alcohol. Wine, beer and liquor all taste like nail polish to me. It's those sugary candyhols that are scary to me because you can drink and drink then before you know it it's the next morning and you have a whole lot of explaining to do.

  • CluelessKiller

    We were playing Ring of Fire, and I had to drink from the jug in the middle, which had an unholy concoction of alcohol in it. Soon after, I was drunk. I rememberer everything feeling weird, not quite like the world was spinning, but everything was just 'off'. Trying the navigate the stairs in my friend's house was fun.

    I also started to talk, a lot. Anything that came to my mind, I would talk about, even if it was the most random and irrelevant thing. I wouldn't shut up and also started to speak with a bit of a lisp. Overall, I became really chill and spoke about stupid shit.

  • ttubravesrock

    I'm almost 30 and I have never been and have no desire to ever be drunk.

  • hitthee

    I wore pizza as a hat and ran around like a monkey.

  • KingAztek

    New Years party, my house. I was 15 or 16 at the time. My aunt and cousin convinced me to take a shot of tequila, and it took off from there. I was eventually finishing my cousins beers for her, proving to myself that I really do have my family's genes (we're all apparently "good" at drinking)

    /u/picklefingers can verify that my family likes to drink

  • BucksinSixxx

    My friend in high school was having a 4th of July party, and before I left I snuck a bottle of peppermint schnapps from my parents, because I knew they never drank hard liquor, and I could replace it with water. I felt weird, but nothing that exciting happened, just standard teenagers getting drunk. The next day my dad did find the empty bottle before I could fill it though, and I got in deep shit. I eventually had to buy them a bottle of wine when I did turn 21, of their choosing. It ended up costing ~$100, which is incredibly high considering my mom almost always drinkings cheap and box wine.

    • RedditExodus

      How much do you think the schnapps was because it sounds like they extorted you.

      • BucksinSixxx

        It was a $20 dollar bottle. It was part of my punishment for stealing and underage drinking, because I just got yelled at and told I couldn't play video games for a month at the time.... or so they say.

  • racerxonclar

    Hmm... I've never been properly smashed, far too conscious of how much I'm drinking to do that... so I'll just go with the drunkest I've ever been.

    Friend's birthday party. Vodka gummy bears and witch doctors (Bacardi Select and Dr Pepper 50/50). I tend to be a sipper by nature so I was mildly drunk almost the whole night. Aside throwing up the next morning due to an upset stomach from the Little Ceaser's pizza we were eating... I was exceptionally boring.

  • Phexous

    I was 20 (and still am), a little later than some; I had never really drank a lot before. My Girlfriend and I had a friend over and we had a roommate who was 22 and he picked up a few bottles of hard liquor; some fireball, some butterscotch something, some Malibu, and a few other bottles. I was going shot for shot with my roommate with some "Fire extinguishers (Fireball, ice-cream, and coffee creamer)" and after about 8 shots of that we did some of the butterscotch stuff then started some other random shots for the rest of the night. by the end of the night I was much more social with the people that were there and after a while I threw up the best tasting vomit I have ever had come out of me. Luckily the next day I woke up without a hangover, the roommate said I had lasted like 15 shots in the shot for shot contest. Fun Times for sure. I haven't drank much since, maybe the occasional rum and coke.

  • LoboPreto

    I peed on a car of a dude I didn't like, I drunk text'd my girlfriend at the time then thought I said something horrible and cried like a little bitch. I threw up on my roommate's shoes and held his hand and told him to rub my back until I fell asleep. Yeah, I shouldn't have went balls to the wall when I turned 21.

  • Xeno

    I was with my dad, my cousin and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend had been dealing with some stuff and came to dinner drunk. In the end, I was acting like a rhino and my cousin's boyfriend had passed out in the bathroom then got up and flashed everybody. My dad and cousin helped him into the car to take him home and my dad had to strap in the cousin's boyfriend while he had a full hard-on. Awkward.

  • fanficmistress

    One of the first times I got drunk in college was at a cast party for a play my friend was in. It was my first experience praying to the porcelain gods (although there have been many more tributes since). My friends were nice enough to feed me wheat thins and water and help me clean the projectiles. I think the worst part was the play the next day that I felt obligated to go to since I drank their booze. Great play would have been much better if I didn't feel like throwing up every second of it.