  • BucksinSixxx

    My friend in high school was having a 4th of July party, and before I left I snuck a bottle of peppermint schnapps from my parents, because I knew they never drank hard liquor, and I could replace it with water. I felt weird, but nothing that exciting happened, just standard teenagers getting drunk. The next day my dad did find the empty bottle before I could fill it though, and I got in deep shit. I eventually had to buy them a bottle of wine when I did turn 21, of their choosing. It ended up costing ~$100, which is incredibly high considering my mom almost always drinkings cheap and box wine.

    • RedditExodus

      How much do you think the schnapps was because it sounds like they extorted you.

      • BucksinSixxx

        It was a $20 dollar bottle. It was part of my punishment for stealing and underage drinking, because I just got yelled at and told I couldn't play video games for a month at the time.... or so they say.