
What would you consider the biggest double standard in society?

9 years ago by 90boss with 18 comments

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  • spaceghoti

    The notion that those who are poor and suffering need to be punished into better performance, but those who are rich and comfortable need to be coddled into better performance.

    • frohawk

      I'll add to that:

      When you're poor and you get help from friends and/or government, it's cheating and mooching. When you're rich and influential while doing it, it's networking and using resources available to you.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 9 years ago)

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  • smithcmau

    I always found the double standards in dating to be interesting. I realize it is a supply and demand issue but I always feel like the onus is always on a guy to put himself on the line from the beginning with asking a girl out, to the very end with coming up with an interesting date or being original with plans and keeping the dates looking spontaneous. It is exhausting. As I get older, it seems to be getting harder and I am unsure if that is because of my age or changing expectations of women. It may just be that I am just a poor candidate for dating. I was pursuing my education for so long, that I likely lost perspective.

    • RockyTron

      It's a cultural issue, and it varies from culture to culture. I think you are describing the uniquely American culture of dating and courtship which is a strange beast to begin with. I recommend you apply a liberal dose of unemployment and travel time in multiple countries and cultures, and you probably won't feel so restricted by the cultural expectations of your home country. The rigors of courtship and dating become trivial in the light of the new perspectives and experience!

    • racerxonclar

      Male and female relations in general have several double standards, it feels like. But yes, it's so exhausting and a constant battle with the confidence.

      • idlethreat

        Adoption, child custody, circumcision, divorce, military conscription, there's a whole lot of double standards when it comes to men and women. Men get the short end of the stick on far too many things.

        Equality is equality. No matter what sex organs one happens to have been born with.

  • Mellifluous

    Maybe not the biggest.. But that people generally expect others to go out of their way to understand them and their feelings, whilst not really putting in any effort in trying to provide this for others.

  • Scine

    Women want to be "equal", but don't want to be expected to pay for the date, open doors for men, lift heavy objects, etc. Many like to complain about the lack of women in certain sectors like STEM and computing, but they sure as fuck don't complain about the lack of women in jobs like Electricians, Plumbers, Coal Miners, etc.