
What food isn't as healthy as people think?

What food isn't as healthy as people think?

8 years ago by kiltman with 10 comments

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  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

    Fruit juice and all kinds of transformed food made mostly, or exclusively from fruits/vegetables. Even the pure fruit juice made from nothing but pure fruit. The bare process the fruits go through (including removing the peal) gets most of the good healthy stuff naturally found in fruits out, so at best you get a very sub-par fruit, and at worst, yet another sugary drink, which isn't any better than soda.

  • jenjen1352

    Diet soda.

    • Bastou

      Came here to say that, have my upvote!

      • jenjen1352

        Thanks! I agree with everything else that you said too.

  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

    In addition to diet soda, as /u/jenjen1352 said, I'd say probably anything labelled as "diet" : when it replaces something that naturally has fat, it gets replaced by sugar (which the body actually transforms into fat anyway), and when it's sugar, it gets replaced by a chemical substitute that is calorie free (or very low in calories) which at best tells your system to prepare to get a lot of sugar and to transform it to fat, but then it doesn't get any and ends up eating through your muscles and neurones (a.k.a. brains); and at worst has its very own negative effects on your body, like causing cancer and whatnot. And the mildest replaces salt with other spices, which is certainly better for your health than these other substitutions, but the ones which simply removes salt without replacing it with anything tastes bland (with little effect on your health, but still better than nothing).

    A better idea is to choose food and snack which is naturally better for your health (like raw fruits and veggies) and to make your own cooking, so you don't have to fill it with unhealthy stuff for it to remain beautiful (or sellable) for an unnaturally long time. Then, when you've done this, you won't feel so guilty by eating an unhealthy snack once in a while, and it won't have such a bad effect on your general health.

    Edit: more natural phrasing.

  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

    Salads. The lettuce bit is just fine, but the vinaigrette (or dressing) we put on it to make it taste like anything but salad is usually even worse than what we wanted it to replace (like a burger).

    • ttubravesrock

      Ranch dressing, I'll agree with you on, but your basic vinaigrette of olive oil and vinegar is much healthier than a burger. I'll need to see some backup before I believe you.

      • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

        Of course, but when's the last time you were offered that kind of vinaigrette in a restaurant that also serves burgers?

        I did specify dressing we put on it to make it taste like anything but salad, which I thought excluded simple ones like olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

        Maybe I wasn't explicit enough.

  • Gozzin

    Heart healthy grains..Psst..They really are not heart healthy at all.