  • ckin2244

    Mandarin Chinese: After a year of study, I can say it's fairly difficult to learn, due to it being a script based language. In terms of practical usage, though, China's role in the global economy lends itself well to current and future business opportunities.

    • picklefingers

      Same here. Just in pure hours saved and the usefulness of the language in business, it is by far the best investment.

    • TheGuyThatsMeh

      I would say the same thing. I already know English and Spanish. Mandarin seems like the logical next step.

    • hyfi

      Zuckerberg learned it for this exact reason. He wants access to those 1.3 billion people.

    • Schwut

      I would also choose Mandarin Chinese but only if I could instantly read and write the language as well.

    • kraftykitty


      At least Chinese doesn't have conjugations or declensions or anything. A lot of the time, I think it's status as a "difficult" language is mostly undeserved, and only from the perspective of English speakers.