
Whats your morning ritual?

9 years ago by hedman with 42 comments

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  • DrunkOldMan

    Get up, pee, make coffee, light up a smoke, turn on local news, check emails on tablet.

  • zyrthofar

    Wake up, get up, weigh myself, prepare a protein shake, do my exercise routines, drink protein shake, shower, dress up, eat huge breakfast, go to work.

    I know, I'm boring...

  • 90boss

    Wrestle with alarm clock for 20 minutes, get out of bed, make coffee, drink coffee, take a dump, jump in the shower, shave, get dressed, eat 2 ego waffles while finishing rest of said coffee, head to work.

  • pixelboot

    1. wake up boyfriend 2. go back to sleep 3. wake up again 4. feed the cats 5. shower 6. clothes, hair, makeup 7. drive to work wondering why i don't just wake up the same time as my boyfriend.

  • marenmor

    Oatmeal porridge, "tea" (coconut vinegar, honey, lemon, selfmade ginger extract) and TiVo.

    • uncornrage

      Your tea sounds fascinating! How does it taste? I've never heard of coconut vinegar before. I didn't even think that you could make vinegar out of coconut.

      • marenmor

        Thanks! But it sounds more fascinating than it is :) Taste depends on type of honey and how much vinegar, I guess. You can most definitely use regular apple cider vinegar, I just happened to come across raw coconut vinegar when looking for an organic one. It doesn't taste at all of coconut (good or bad?). And "selfmade ginger extract" just sounds good. Bring to a boil a good thumb size piece of ginger and water (pre-measured to fit any kind of jar, mine holds around 3-3.5 dl). Leave to infuse for at least 6-7 hours, then store in fridge. Oh, that was a lengthy reply. Be sure to stop by when/if visiting Oslo, I'll make you a cuppa!

        My modus operandi:
        1 tablespoon coconut vinegar
        1 tablespoon ginger extract
        2 teaspoons (freshly) pressed lemon juice
        1 teaspoon honey (from small scale beekeepers tend to be more tasty, I think)
        Fill cup with hot water and stir.

  • Boop (edited 9 years ago)

    1. Get up

    2. Run outside

    3. Take shower

    4. Eat light breakfast

    5. Take transit to work

    • ttubravesrock

      So I'm not the only one who showers outside?

      • Boop (edited 9 years ago)

        Nope! Just grab the hose outside your house and there you go. Even better, if it rains during my run - don't need to waste water from my home.

  • jenjen1352

    Wake up, pee, feed the cat, coffee, morning meds, start Firefox, check in on my regular sites and get weather forecast, more coffee, wake offspring for school (not at the moment because it's the holidays), wave him off at the door, final coffee, piece of cheese and a chocolate-filled brioche, pint of milk and I'm ready to start the day. Sometimes I also get dressed and go out!

  • double2

    Remain asleep.

    • bradd

      I like this strategy also.

  • alizure

    get up, have a vape, make coffee, vape, feed pugs, feed cats, read news. oh yeah and vape

  • Civil

    Wake up, hit snooze, wake up, hit snooze, wake up, hit snooze, wake up, realize what time it is, shower, brush teeth, drink smoothie, leave for work.

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  • Appaloosa (edited 9 years ago)

    Reach over and rest my arm on my wife's chin ,she likes that, and touch her legs and feet under the covers.

  • CoffeeOverIce

    Shower, blend breakfast, microwave yesterdays coffee, bike to work. Simple and quick I love it.

  • ttubravesrock

    Other than waking up and about 3-5 hours later pooping, I don't really have a set routine.

  • GeniusIComeAnon

    Hit alarm, go back to sleep. Wake up thirty minutes later, go back to sleep. Wake up 2 hours after initial waking up, get up, regret not waking up at a decent hour.

  • drunkenninja

    I wake up at or around 6 am, and promptly zombie walk to the kitchen to make coffee (french press so enough for about 3 cups worth). I turn on the TV and find a channel that can be my background noise, most of the time it's the morning news. I jump on the laptop and check Snapzu as well as a number of other sites, I check my email, skype, etc. Once I've woken up a little more I usually eat a bowl of cereal but sometimes I'll take the extra time to make eggs or something a bit more hardy. Once I'm done eating I head over to the bathroom and do my business, jump in the shower, brush my teeth, shave and get dressed. I pop on the main comp around 7ish or so and start my day.

  • hyfi

    I usually check my email and then check out whats new on snapzu.

  • gabe2068

    Wake up, wait until my blurry vision goes away, check the news, piss, and snapzu for the rest of the day(highschool student).

  • NstealthL

    Get up, check e-mails, shower or feed/walk dog (do one then the other), either watch an episode of something or listen to relaxing music while eating breakfast and check facebook/snapzu, go do the rest of my day. Clothes and make-up come on sometime post-shower. Depending on what time I need to be at places my ritual can deviate (what type of breakfast, work-out, amount of time walking dog, etc.)

  • SirWinston

    Get up, download the latest tv shows I follow from the night before, while thats downloading make breakfast. Eat breakfast while watching a show. Make coffee, lounge around until I feel motivated enough to shower and get dressed.

  • uncornrage (edited 9 years ago)

    The time when I wake up depends on my work schedule, but if I don't have to work early I usually wake up at 7 o'clock. Alarm goes off, I'll be out of bed by 7:05 at the latest. Then I'll go the bathroom, drink some water and make coffee. While the coffee is brewing I'll do some sun salutations. Then I'll make something to eat, grab my coffee and read a book for 15 mins or so.
    After that I'll quickly write down the stuff I need/want to get done today.
    At ~8 o'clock I'm getting ready for work or whatever I'm going to do. Make-up, hair, tooth brushing, get dressed. Then I'll meditate for 10-20 mins and after that I'm ready for the day.

  • Kento

    I actually just wrote something up about this today, but I enjoy waking up and making some coffee or tea, putting some light music on as the sun comes up. I do some light strectching to get the soreness out of my muscles, then eat and head of to work!

  • BucksinSixxx

    Normally: Wake up -> bathroom -> go for run -> drink water/gatorade -> bathroom -> shower/deodorant/get dressed -> eat/coffee -> brush teeth -> go to work

    Last few days: Wake up -> bathroom/puke brains out -> lie on couch watch netflix while eating toast (I somehow got the flu in late July)

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  • Gozzin

    Wake up,coffee, hay up the house bunnies and clean their litter boxes.