  • NipplePuree

    First contact with an extra terrestrial civilisation. Although even some alien bacteria would be pretty amazing.

    • Inconceivable

      As amazing as it would be, contact with another civilization would also be pretty scary. Just imagine how people would react. Suicide cults, ET worshipping cults, religious upheavals, the world would be a turbulent place for a few weeks.

      • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

        Makes you think that even if there was contact it would be kept under tight wraps.

    • Wenjarich (edited 8 years ago)

      This is a big one. I would seriously consider joining that community. Well once it had been at least slightly established haha, I would like to know there was at least a reasonable chance of living. But I'm pretty sure I would be nowhere near young enough to be useful enough for such a thing.

      Edit: Damn replied to the wrong post :P Meant to reply to the post about first communities.