
If you could go back 10 years and tell yourself something in one sentence... what would that sentence be?

9 years ago by grandsalami with 11 comments

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  • Qukatt

    dump him ASAP, go to any university you want, still play CoH but not to detriment of education.

    unfortunately 10 years isn't far enough for me anymore to make the important change, i can only limit the damage

  • nopassword

    Go for it, don't be afraid to take risks, you have far more to gain than you would lose.

  • fauxbraux (edited 9 years ago)

    "Kissing girls really isn't that bad and you really shouldn't run away the first time you get a chance to in seventh grade."

    I matured pretty late, lol.

  • gabe2068

    Don't be so quick to label yourself. I went from Christian to atheist to wiccan to Satanist to Agnostic and now I am converting to Catholicism

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  • PushPull

    "Dude, you and your wife have problems and need to get help NOW."

    We're on the right path now, but we didn't recognize the issues back then. Could have saved us 10 years of struggles.

  • jenjen1352

    When a lad tries to sell you a bike, say NO.