  • amphetamine

    As a sufferer of BPD, I always give people this advice. The hard part is that relationships with BPD sufferers often evolve quickly on an emotional level...being 110% sure of someones mental status before a date is an incredibly good move and a lot of people don't bother looking into things like that.

    • CranberryLips

      This. The same thing goes for me because I tend to have codependency issues, so it was very easy for me to go from 0 - head over heels in about a month, possibly less. The higher you are, the more painful the fall. Thank you for your insight.

      • amphetamine

        Very true. It's unfortunate that you had to deal with such a twisted situation, I hope that the guy is long gone.

        • CranberryLips

          Yeah, he is. I guess if there was a silver lining to my nightmare is that I've realized my weaknesses and my shortcomings, so I know what to do in order to protect my heart.

          I truly hope he gets the therapy he needs. I went through 6 months of hell with him--he goes through it with every loved one in his life.

          • amphetamine

            It's a shame that he hasn't, yet. It takes so long to even notice results and a lot of people give up early on. It took me 15 years for results. You must be an absolute angel to be able to handle someone with BPD for six months. I'm glad you've got some armor from it. It takes the hardest battles to learn the most important things about yourself, doesn't it?