  • Triseult (edited 8 years ago)

    I got tired of the BS surrounding /r/fatpeoplehate and Victoria's firing. I don't particularly care for what happened (don't have a position per se) but the crap that hit the frontpage for these two events really pissed me off. Mysoginistic, racist, hateful... I realized I was ashamed of being part of that community as a whole.

    Things have calmed down over there, so I've been back from time to time. I think coming to Snapzu has shown me the truth of reddit... The content just isn't that great anymore. Truly insightful or funny posts are few and far between, and that's even true of non-defaults.

    I still visit reddit on occasion, but something's broken in terms of my affection for that site. If Snapzu grows and gives me more daily content, I doubt I'll need reddit any longer. For now, my only problem with Snapzu is a lack of frequent new content; typically, a visit a day is enough to see everything.

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