
What's something you never really learned to do properly, but are fine doing it improperly?

9 years ago by bradd with 15 comments

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  • snakepaws

    Typing. My fingers know where to go, but it's definitely not the standard positioning.

    • Rothulfossil

      Seconding this. I use mostly my first three fingers to type. My left index finger hits "Y" and my right middle finger hits "U" for some reason, among many other strange positions. Absolutely not what school taught, but school really didn't teach typing much.

    • drunkenninja

      I have that same typing habit. I never learned to type the proper way, but it doesn't matter as I'm still able to do enough words per minute for it not to slow me down.

    • mathematical

      Same here. I'm a six-finger typist, with pinkies reserved only for shift keys. Since my hands are like giant lobster claws, my index fingers can cross each other, so I can't even use an ergonomic keyboard.

  • DCSpud

    Swimming. I never properly learned how to swim, but I haven't drowned yet!

    • drunkenninja

      I wouldn't risk it :D Go to the pool and get yourself taught!

  • Triseult

    Being an adult.

    More than fine with it!

    • ColonBowel

      I think we're redefining this one. Prior generations were very proper and "mature". We're more like adult kids.

  • Fooferhill

    Dog grooming. The dog enjoys the attention and time fussing on him and over time we've ended up with some reasonable results. He's too cute no matter what, so I figure I can't go wrong.

  • Urgz

    Tying a tie, especially in different manners, but I've found my way to do it and it looks totally fine.

  • Electrickery

    Typing . Never did get hints on QWERTY until my personal two fingered typing was ingrained. Keyboards in general - I play by ear too.

    • a7h13f

      I'm the same way with typing! I learned through an old DOS game called Mario Teaches Typing. I was 4 or 5 at the time, and my hands were too small to fit the home row keys, so I started just typing as best I can. I gave my high school typing teacher FITS because I was the fastest and most accurate student in the class, even though I didn't use anything remotely close to closest posture. She tried to throw a blinder on my keyboard, but that only slowed me down about 10 words a minute, and barely reduced my accuracy at all. I wager that anyone typing with that godawful silicon slip over the keys would have typed slower than normal.

  • Ajwerth (edited 9 years ago)

    The way I shoot a basketball is definitely not correct. Instead of my left hand on the side and my right behind the ball. I put them kind of both dehind the ball. And instead of snapping my right wrist I do both, but the right still gives more power and directs the ball. It works, and I'm better that way then the traditional way

  • PushPull

    Welding, machining, mechanical design,wrenching in general.