  • drunkenninja (edited 7 years ago)

    I would have to go with Groundhog Day. I hope they never remake it, it is perfect in every way.

    • NomadiChris

      What did you think of Edge of tomorrow?

      • drunkenninja

        I actually enjoyed it! Same concept, technically not a remake :)

        • NomadiChris (edited 7 years ago)

          Yep, me too. Have to admit I haven't see Groundhog Day yet (although I'm familiar with the plot). One of those cult movies that have been on my 'to watch' list for a long time. Need to make time for it some day.

    • Qukatt

      althought the ground hog day episode of supernatural is also perfect xD

      i agree though - using the concept = fine. using the movie's fame and prestige to sell a new movie - not fine