  • spaceghoti

    I've been on the Internet for longer than I care to admit, and the longer I am the more challenging it is to find a username that isn't already taken. At one point I went to register on a new forum (I think it was and the one I wanted was taken. Again. So I brainstormed and thought of ghoti but to my surprise that was already registered as well. So I tacked "space" on the front and I've used it ever since. I had the initial hope that people would misread it as "space ghost" but only one person ever confessed to that

    • double2

      I thought it was a clever play on spaghetti?

      • spaceghoti

        Not even close, although you're not the first to make that connection.

        • Advanthera

          I definitely made the same connection! Cool story though!

    • stitches

      I don't know if you're UK based so this may not make sense (at all) but I remember Gaz Top doing "how do you spell fish?" and explaining the phonetic spelling on How 2.

      • spaceghoti

        I've never been to Britain, but I've always wanted to go.