  • cunt

    Dipping the chips into milkshakes is an amazing sensation - sweet and salty, they complement each other. I've never had a taste for tomato sauce but my youngest sister also had a thing for tomato sauce sandwiches whereas my older sister ate nothing but Mayonnaise sandwiches for a year.

    Why does the world seem to hate Mayonnaise?

    • darkbum

      Mayonnaise is king of the condiments for me, 100% of the time. I eat it with everything: sandwhich, meat, fries, pizza.

      Also, classy username.

      • cunt

        It is for me too alongside colmans English mustard. Australian mayonnaise however looks, tastes and smells like pva glue. Not all mayonnaise is created equally.

    • Raycu

      Chips in milkshakes, I have to try that sometime.

    • snakepaws (edited 9 years ago)

      The weird thing is, I'll eat pretty much every tomato product, so long as it isn't tomato itself, tomato juice, or tomato soup. Anything else, I can eat. Same with onions. Cooked into something, fine, but don't give me a raw slice - but onion rings and grilled onions are fine.

      Oh, and I love mayonnaise.