  • ClassyCritic

    I wish I could do something like this. I've been stuck on a crappy laptop for too long.

    • Teakay (edited 8 years ago)

      If you get the chance, you can actually build a pretty decent computer for ~$600 if you can spare/save that much up over time. The one I'm building is by no means the minimum cost (assuming you don't feel like you need 5.25TB of storage space to begin with... there's something wrong with me). I noticed a few very inexpensive"console-killer" builds (~$400-500) over on Reddit while I was examining other people's builds to help plan out mine, you might take a look around and see what you can find.

      • spaceghoti

        There's a specific sub for this in reddit called /r/buildapc and they have a useful FAQ for beginners.

        • Teakay

          Yep, I can't recommend that subreddit and PC Part Picker enough. There's also a /t/buildapc, though it is not as active yet, but I just realized I had not yet joined it and I will try to help out there whenever I can.

    • PensiveApe

      Take a look at logical increments for some example builds.