Conversation 9 comments by 6 users
  • Teakay

    I just placed an order yesterday for hardware to build myself a new computer to replace my dying laptop. I think it ended up totaling around $1200, quite a bit more than I initially planned to spend...

    • folkrav

      Have fun with that! Can't wait to finish school and start working, saving up for that sweet sweet new build... Been rocking the same frankenstein PC since the last 7 years, upgrading a bit at a time... It started to show its age in the last year or so...

      • Bastou

        I've had mine for 9 years now, and haven't upgraded it much, if at all. The thing is, even if I work and could probably afford it, I also have so many other things to pay for and not much time to play much anymore anyway. Kids sure didn't help with both of those things. ;-)

      • Teakay (edited 8 years ago)

        Thanks! As much as I hate to part with that much money (especially since it feels like I didn't have it for long, as I just earned it working this summer), I can't deny that I'm excited to be building another computer. This new one is for my college apartment and is roughly equivalent to the gaming computer I built at my parents' house a few years ago (my time is split between the two places, and this is one of the few negatives of my living situation that I've found so far), but with a few upgrades that will let me use it for my CAD assignments for school.

        I'm glad to hear that you've gotten seven years of use out of your computer! I hope to get between seven and ten years out of mine (goodness knows I don't want to be spending this much on a computer any more often than that), so that's encouraging. I'd guess that your motherboard is beginning to be the main problem at this point?

    • ClassyCritic

      I wish I could do something like this. I've been stuck on a crappy laptop for too long.

      • Teakay (edited 8 years ago)

        If you get the chance, you can actually build a pretty decent computer for ~$600 if you can spare/save that much up over time. The one I'm building is by no means the minimum cost (assuming you don't feel like you need 5.25TB of storage space to begin with... there's something wrong with me). I noticed a few very inexpensive"console-killer" builds (~$400-500) over on Reddit while I was examining other people's builds to help plan out mine, you might take a look around and see what you can find.

        • spaceghoti

          There's a specific sub for this in reddit called /r/buildapc and they have a useful FAQ for beginners.

          • Teakay

            Yep, I can't recommend that subreddit and PC Part Picker enough. There's also a /t/buildapc, though it is not as active yet, but I just realized I had not yet joined it and I will try to help out there whenever I can.

      • PensiveApe

        Take a look at logical increments for some example builds.