  • stitches

    I used to have issues with the word 'moist'. I'm still not a fan but I'm getting over it.

    Curse words - nothing is off the table. I have a mouth like a sailor, it's called colourful language for a reason. Fucksticks is my current favourite.

    • Gozzin

      I change what I use. Right now, as an example, I especially like variations on the world "Fuck" and will be borrowing your "fucksticks." I tend to say" Aw Fuck it" and "For Fuck's sake." I don't say words i see as put downs on other people like whore,cunt, nigga/nigger, retard, fag/faggot. I do not curse at people but at situations.

    • leetmoaf (edited 8 years ago)

      Moist is sort of an odd one, but I can see why. moist. mOIst. MoiST. Yeah I can see it.