  • drunkenninja

    The short answer is yes, absolutely. We respect your privacy at Snapzu, and decided that if you want out, for whatever reason, we are going to make it as simple as possible to do just that. Of course there will be some downsides to this approach, but we feel the positives outweigh the negatives in this situation. Sorry to hear you lost some of your bookmarks.

    • IridescentOak

      We respect your privacy at Snapzu, and decided that if you want out, for whatever reason, we are going to make it as simple as possible to do just that.

      Not that I plan on leaving or anything, but I really appreciate this decision by you all. User privacy is an important topic for me, so I'm glad to hear Snapzu's looking out for it!

    • kxh (edited 7 years ago)

      I see and appreciate the benefits. Although there were some nice bookmarks. :-(

      What about comments? Is the tree lost or just the comment itself?