  • sushmonster

    Watching horror movies (well I've watched a few like years and years ago) but I will determinedly never watch one again. Like, I don't see the appeal. Pay money to scare myself and then be unable to sleep well for the next week? No thanks haha.

    • drunkenninja

      Holy shit, I'm totally the opposite. I once payed to watch The Ring... had nightmares and couldn't sleep for 3 days... worth every penny.

      • kevino025

        That was the first movie that I watched that truly scared me. I was scared for days. Now it just seems more creepy than scary, in a good way (those video tapes are great). I'm a big fan of scary/horror movies and I haven't watched anything in years that has truly scared me. Most of them feel like a roller coaster to me. A cheap 'thrill' but nothing scary.