
How would you solve over-population?

9 years ago by baron778 with 13 comments

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  • idlethreat

    Drop high speed internet connectivity into every high population area in the world. An educated, informed populace will naturally decline the birth rate.

    It will take time, but is probably the most realistic of solutions.

  • VoyagerXyX

    Another vote for space exploration! :) Colonization not only solves over population, but greatly increases our chances of survival as a species.

  • zyrthofar

    Put a lot of money into space travel so we can colonize other planets as soon as possible.

  • SevenTales

    Well, we won't have to actually solve the problem. The last population assessment report of the UN concluded that population will plateau at around 2050 for more than 200 years.
    The real problem is resources management and distribution. Even today, the problem is huge, so by 2050, if we don't find solutions to proper food and water distribution to all, some populations will be in deep trouble.

  • cunt

    Best: Re-education, male contraception

    Slowly: Forced Sterilisation

    Quickly: Death camps for those diseased with avoidable and communicable illnesses(AIDS, Hepatitis C, Syphilis etc)

    • NerfYoda

      You had me at male contraception, but then I made sad faces at the rest.

    • BlankWindow

      Why the 'avoidable' ones? That doesn't even make sense as they are fatal. Wouldn't genetic problems be the one to cull from the population until it is treatable at conception?

      Dark thoughts, granted my first thought was to trim the gene-pool. Would give the most immediate and long term affects. Just a bit of a gruesome thought and not something I, given the position, could sign off on. Would have to be some dire straits.

  • rosellem

    They way it's been done in the developed world. A prosperous middle class and empowered women with access to birth control.

  • nopassword

    Why bother? Life on earth has a tendency to take care of itself. We overpopulate, strip the earth of natural resources, cause drought and famine, and in a few decades or centuries the population will automatically plateau or reduce to a sustainable level.

    Even if we decimate the earth with slash and burn agriculture, strip mining, burning fossil fuels, and nuclear dumping, the planet is going to be here a long time, and will become habitable to some other species at some point in the future.

  • ttubravesrock

    permanent, reversible birth control and requiring a test for paternity/maternity.

  • gabe2068

    People are against it for some reason that I don't understand but I think that people should only be able to have 1 kid. For twins and triplets they would be able to keep all of them for obvious reasons.

  • septimine

    Space travel. I think that's the best answer.