
What are you currently hoarding?

9 years ago by aj0690 with 41 comments

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  • caelreth

    Nothing. In fact, I hope to get rid of more stuff.

    I wish I could hoard money, but it seems to flow out as quickly as it comes in.

    • idlethreat

      That's a point of contention in my marriage. The wife loves hoarding anything she gets near and I cheerfully throw away anything that has dust on it.

      Here recently she got the cleanup bug from somewhere and we managed to evict a good sized chunk of stuff cluttering the basement and garage. Hoping she keeps it up.

      • caelreth

        I am lucky that my wife has no such compulsion to keep things. In fact, she usually leads the charge in going through our stuff and getting rid of good-sized chunks periodically.

        • idlethreat

          I'm just gonna upvote you out of sheer jealousy.

    • NerfYoda

      My rule is if I haven't thought about it in 2 years then it's out. Getting rid of stuff feels great. That reminds me, I should do another closet run.

  • geogrammer

    Tea. So much tea.

    • Gozzin

      Tea. So much tea.

      My address is...

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  • schrodingersman

    Ink. I'm a fountain pen user that enjoys changing out inks. So right now I have more than a dozen different colors of inks.

    • Gozzin

      I used to paint with India ink wash,so I know what you mean.

  • Bastou

    Books, movies and video games.

    For books and movies, I wouldn't bother giving them up to someone who might appreciate them once I've consumed them; but I've got this strange feeling old video games will only get harder to find with time, and we can always go back and enjoy old games... The experience to play on other consoles or on emulators simply isn't the same.

  • DrunkOldMan

    Ammunition and beer, is 4 bicycles hoarding?

  • microfracture

    Mechanical Keyboards. I have a decently sized collection of them (mostly IBM Model Ms) stored in my closet.
    I used to grab them up anytime I found them locally (which sadly is pretty rare now).

    • oystein

      I have an M5 with a trackball on it. Bought it ten years ago.

      • microfracture

        Nice. Do you still use it at all? :)

        • oystein

          Nope. I have plans on selling it since it doesn't have a European layout. I need ÆØÅ and alt-gr. Apparently they are very uncommon.

  • PushPull

    Tools. Mechanic and machinist. Not so much the big machinery (I've only got so much room in the shop) but the hand type. Wrenches, calipers, measuring devices of all types. Even have a decent collection of musical instrument related tools.

  • ttubravesrock

    I don't know that I'm hoarding anything right now.

    I have about 3-6 months of food in the pantry in the form of rice, beans, lentils, etc.

    I'm trying to get one winter ahead of myself with firewood. I need about 6-7 cords per winter and I have enough storage to hold about 15 cords, so I'm trying to get that completely filled up before this winter.

    Ooh. One thing I do is that whenever I am throwing something away, I take it apart and save the screws, bolts, washers, nuts, etc. I don't save used nails but if I make a forge like I want to, I'll melt them down.

  • massani


    I have too much stuff. Random stuff. Unimportant stuff. I'm trying to declutter my life but I feel like more and more things keep pouring out of boxes and drawers.

  • racerxonclar

    Coca-cola paraphernalia. Got a shelf of bottles, glasses, and polar bears :P

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  • BucksinSixxx

    Monitors. I have at least 10 taking my home office closet.

  • Tempest

    I have so many pens and pencils, I couldn't use them all in my lifetime I think. They're all so pretty though! So I call that collecting, not hoarding.

    Aside from that, I have a ton of mice (the computer kind) that I just can't throw away but don't use because of various defects they have. One's wheel doesn't click unless I press really hard, the other has a defective left button that lets go in the middle of highlighting, and another one whose cord has to be jiggled for the optical sensor to turn on. I finally gave in and bought an expensive logitech one so that it wouldn't start acting weird after a week of use. After about a year of use, the wheel started registering each click as if I clicked three times. So when I wheel click a link to open a new tab, 3 tabs open.... :(

  • Realworld

    Skills. I've learned to repair, make, and do everything. It's almost pointless now, but I keep adding skills, tools, and knowledge.

  • yarnnoodles

    Yarn. So. Much. Yarn. It's not as bad as it could be, but I don't have much storage space. My current method of control is that I'm not allowed to buy yarn unless I have a specific knitting project in my queue for it, and I have to finish the two projects I'm working on first.

  • Urbanknight4

    Steam games, digital books, coins (I collect them, so that kinda excuses me) and dust since I never clean my room. Help. My room is kind of neat and orderly but my bank account is crying bloody murder.

  • Teakay

    Video games. I keep thinking that one day I'll have the time to play them as they should be played.

  • worthlessgalaxy

    Mainly files. I wont delete them but I also don't use them again. I do keep some electronics stuff but I have got rid of most of it. My wife and I also hord all the boxes that stuff comes in. Since you have to have it for warranty returns we end up tossing them into the basement.

  • Kysol

    Xbox 360 games. I have a problem... Achievement Hunter, I see cheap games I buy them regardless of subject matter.

  • spectregris

    Ketchup p packets . I don't know what primal urge is awakened but when I see an unattended basket of them I load up like war rationing is about to commence. I can never bring myself to throw them away either. My favorites are the ones that you can make into a little dipping tray. Those ones I hide away for special occasions.

  • Gozzin

    Nothing. It never has been my cup of tea quite frankly.