  • gabe2068

    200+ gallon lion fish, reef tank. Maybe an eel or too if possible. Long fin clows. Tons of inverts. Sorry if any of these aren't compatible this is just what I want, not what would work lol.

    • FishKnight

      Hey, its a dream tank. You can imagine anything you want in it! But you are correct. A lionfish would likely try to eat any inverts/ fish that could fit in its mouth. They're such incredibly cool animals. Just an absolutely beautiful group of fishes that are fascinating to watch. I would love to have one as well. Predatory fish usually have quite a bit of personality, which is definitely true for lionfish. Feel free to join us over at /t/lionfish. There are just two members at the moment and definitely needs more content. You may be aware of this, but just for fun here is a quick lionfish fact: there are several species of lion fish, two of which are invasive to the Caribbean. My favorite lionfish is The Clear Lionfish (Pterois radiata).

      • gabe2068

        Yeah. I actually live in an area that has a lionfish infestation(don't know if thats the right word lol). Its pretty cool but sad at the same time because they have to remove them somehow.