  • moe

    Lance N' Masques continues to hold its position as the biggest heap of garbage this season — and I can't stop watching. The character designs are abysmal, the plot is… Youtarou and his six-year-old wife pickin' up new daughters, I guess. It's my guilty pleasure of the season, and it might just be so bad it's good.

    OPM really kicked into high gear this past week. It was great to see them put so much focus on making the fight as gorgeous as possible instead of trying (and likely failing) to create tension between Genos and the hopelessly insurmountable Saitama. Action is certainly this series' strong suit; the comedy is very dry and hasn't hit above 'borderline amusing' for me.

    Just finished re-watching Is the Order a Rabbit? and caught up on its airing sequel. Not much to say other than that its second season lives up to the first in its charm and humor (unlike the disappointment that is Yuru Yuri San☆Hai!); you'd probably either like both or dislike both.