  • the7egend (edited 8 years ago)

    If you're a fan of Cowboy Bebop, then you might also like Trigun, it's a little bit lighter.
    Other favorites in no particular order...

    - Spice & Wolf
    - Tengen Toppa Gurren Langan
    - Macross (There's a lot of it, start with Macross F aka Macross Frontier)
    - Gundam 00 Season 1 and 2 + Movie
    - Kill la Kill
    - Panty and Stocking (NSFW)
    - Tiger and Bunny
    - Hataraku Maou-sama! (The Devil is a Part Timer!)
    - Code Geass
    - To Love Ru
    - Mayo Chiki!

    It's just a random jumble, spanning multiple genres, there's some must watches in there, but there's also a few things that will help you figure out what do you like and what you don't.