  • JTtheGhost

    I thought about it pretty honestly - and my favorite character is easily Mystogan from Fairy Tale. This seems odd coming from me since it's a Shonen and the plot is literally everywhere and neverending, but his character was never fully developed, and was extremely mysterious, so they didn't have time to fuck it up.

    My second favorite character is probably Aramaki from Ghost in the Shell: SAC, as he has incredible insight to the politcal world, and is able to make accurate decisions quickly to ensure his team can do what they need to do - the ultimate manager essentially.

    • ExileOasis

      I haven't seen either of those shows, I should probably check it out. The super long shonens always seen daunting though, stuff like Naruto and One Piece and Bleach where it just seems never ending.

      • JTtheGhost

        Fairy Tale didn't get too daunting to me until after the first Arc in Series 2 - At which point I got tired of same beaten theme. But I still watch it since I'm in for the long haul, Just like that time I grinded through inuyasha in less than a week only to find the ending was bullshit (which they fixed a few years after I watched it, thought I still haven't seen the ending)

        • ExileOasis

          "grinded through inuyasha in less than a week" That seems a little slow for you JT. Step it up.

          • JTtheGhost

            167 episodes = 56 hours = ~12ish hours a day watching it @_@ IDK dood I didn't do much back then but even now that would be crazy to try to do in less than a week

        • DZPt

          I was unaware InuYasha had an ending.