9 years ago
Pope attacks capitalism as 'dung of the devil' in speech
Pope Francis has launched a blistering attack on the "new colonialism" of austerity, describing unfettered capitalism as "the dung of the devil" and apologising for the Catholic church's role in the conquest of indigenous populations in the Americas.
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It doesn't seem like he even mentioned capitalism.
Well that last part certainly is the backbone of our almost-worldwide capitalist system, he didn't call out capitalism itself but the consequences it's had.
I think he's being a bit too reductive here, as well. Although, in a perfect society, there would be no poor countries, right now this is the only form of decent employment they can get. There are a few good analyses on both child labor and sweat shops in lesser developed countries. It sounds bad from our POV, but it's better than the alternative--which is starvation--for them. Let me know if you'd like me to link some sources. It's a pretty cool, yet sad, discussion.
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I think the government needs a complete overhaul. Meaning, scrap this one and create a new one. One that would serve the nation better. To much money, to much power over peoples lives.
Yeah... What does his whole shebang cost in one year? Say again?