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Published 10 years ago by spacepopper with 6 Comments

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  • ckshenn

    Just like big tobacco

    • Gozzin

      Yup. And who do they think they are fooling?

      Coca-Cola said it wants to "help people make decisions that are right for them"

      No they don't,they want to keep people guzzling their drinks and raking in the $$$.

  • drunkenninja

    People can drink whatever they want whenever they want and there shouldn't be anyone telling you otherwise... but a dietitian recommending a mini can of coke as a healthy snack idea is just ridiculous! It's like my physician recommending me that I have a smoke every now and then as a healthy "snack" with my scotch.

  • Nelson

    I thought April Fools day was still a few weeks away.

    • spacepopper (edited 10 years ago)

      They moved it back this year it seems.

  • 8mm

    lol what a farce

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