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Published 8 years ago by rawlings with 6 Comments
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  • alizure

    It doesn't surprise me. Monsanto is going to great lengths to be able to hide what they are putting in our food. Hell its just a label. People should be able to tell whats in their food,also whats in the drinks.

  • jcscher

    Monsanto,why to you always want to hide things?

  • rosellem

    Am I allowed to post links to reddit comments? just kidding, I hope. Here are a couple links from reddit commentators who were kind enough to give an inside look at what they do for a living and how this kind of thing works: One from a PR rep and one from a software engineer

    • AdelleChattre

      Hi! When you post links to Reddit, it's generally best to make them no participation links. So instead of linking to 'www.reddit.com,' link to 'np.reddit.com.' Especially when those links are on Snapzu. Just so you know. BCNU.

      • rosellem

        Thanks! I should have known that.

  • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

    Have you ever seen a post, comment, or reply that absolutely reeked of behind-the-scenes compensation by corporations like Monsanto?

    Why yes I have.An example is posts that say in reference to Linux this: "I love Linux but you can't do anything except by the command line," I have seen this statement for years on comment boards ,and even Reddit, where Linux distros are presented in a positive light. I'm a Linux user and anytime you see "I love bla bla BUT", a red flag should go up. I don't see this lie as often as I used to,but I suspect it still happens. That being said, what Monsanto is doing does not surprise me at all. In fact,I suspect most big companies do this.

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