• NotWearingPants

    So Gingrich was lying again? I can believe that.

    To clarify, Republicans had nothing to do with what became the PPACA. IIRC, It passed without a single (R) vote.They expressed an idea 20 years earlier that gets trotedt out as justification/blame for current mistakes when things veer off the rails. "Well, The other side thought of it first, we just implemented it" (badly).

    Current and past policies are certainly an issue. Your link doesn't really address that, which is where I chimed in.

    • spaceghoti

      To clarify, Republicans had nothing to do with what became the PPACA.

      That's because they didn't want reform. However, we were examining the roots of the current problem with income inequality and that did not start with the PPACA. It began long, long before that as Republicans learned how to gain back control over national government policy. Had "Hillarycare" passed in the 90s the PPACA would have been completely unnecessary, and you can think Gingrich for that.

      IIRC, It passed without a single (R) vote.They expressed an idea 20 years earlier that gets trotedt out as justification/blame for current mistakes when things veer off the rails. "Well, The other side thought of it first, we just implemented it" (badly).

      This false claim comes up periodically which is why I made sure to make a short record of health care reform over the past thirty years. Republicans have more to do with Obamacare than they're willing to admit.

      Current and past policies are certainly an issue. Your link doesn't really address that, which is where I chimed in.

      Only if you ignore the impact that killing health care reform in the 90s had on reform efforts today.