• kdawson

    This will sound cold but a body count of 487 people over fourteen years is virtually a non problem. The hype and drama queens have taken this question beyond reason and into a great national hissy fit. These things are terrible, but making them more important than they actually are creates another whole set of problems including that people want to take away rights and, no matter how bad you think these rights are, the loss of one right often leads to the rights of others. Take your head out from under the covers and understand that the U.S. is a safe country. Your chances of being a victim of violent crime or any crime at all is right up there with winning the lottery. If you are murdered it's much more likely to be by a friend or family member than some crazed loner. We now have a situation where children who point a finger and go "bang" are arrested, hand cuffed and taken away. It seems to me there is more madness in our response to this than in the shootings themselves.

    • spaceghoti

      There are far more deaths attributed to guns in the US than just mass shootings, it's that mass shootings tend to provoke more media attention. If highlighting 487 deaths will help address the other three hundred thousand from the last decade then that's a good thing.

      • kdawson

        I still say that compared to the number of Americans this is a non-problem and that the hysteria is worse than the violence.

        • spaceghoti

          Thousands of Americans dying every year when they don't have to is a non-problem? I have a huge problem with this.