• Qukatt

    exactly or there's like Ghostbusters all over the world like friggan mcDonalds or something that operate their city's paranormal shit and they just buy into the brand and success of the original team. After 30 years the guys will be 60-70 years old so obviously they'd have trained up a new squad and Venkman being Venkman he absolutely chose an all woman team xD

    there's a lot of fudging in there but I had this in my head the moment they announced the film so that's how i was hoping it would swing.

    • CrookedTale

      Ok. I think we should call Bill and get this on his radar. I bet he would go for it.

      • Qukatt

        we need writers and director who can be true to the original content without trading on it too heavily. people who genuinely care.

        and Aubrey Plaza needs to be in it.