Conversation 11 comments by 5 users
  • Gozzin (edited 6 years ago)

    I'm all for it. There is just one teeny,microscopic problem though...Just how do we plan to do this,hummmmmmm? And then,if we do,he gets replaced with Mr. religious nut job,who will be just as bad,in his own sick way.

    We are so screwed.

    • leweb

      The problem is not the president, or the vice president. It is the people of the US. He's just a reflection of his country.

    • Wodge

      "We" as in the planet, not just Americans.

      • leweb

        The planet didn't elect Trump. Sure, other Western countries have made similar crappy choices, but besides Britain and Poland I don't see anything comparable to what's happening on the US. And they don't have anything comparable to the power to fuck up the world the US wields.

        I'm of course setting aside the usual banana republic dictatorships, which have always existed.

      • Gozzin

        Yup,the whole enchilada!

        • AdelleChattre

          Whatever you think about the election or the candidates running, voters in the American Republic chose the less effective of two evils. That election wasn't going to end well, and it could well have ended worse. Easy for someone from Battlefield Europe, in a timeline without a hot war with Russia to say they wish it had turned out differently.

          • leweb

            Sure, but the people of the US allowed the situation to get to the point where there wasn't any acceptable choice. Note that I didn't say it was the fault of the people who voted for him, or the Republicans. It's everyone's fault. The system is broken due to a combination of mass stupidity, lack of engagement from people, unprecedented levels of corruption in the government, and obscene greed from the rich and powerful. If the American people really wanted something different they would make it happen, but they're just sitting and watching it happen.

            • AdelleChattre

              Fair enough. You're not wrong. The system is decrepit. However, the author's angle is that Trump is somehow uniquely troubling and in need of removal. The American voting public may've elected an old money New York Know Nothing gasbag with a proud family tradition of KKK membership, but let's not forget this president saved the republic by immediately stopping the loathsome, rule-by-corporate-profits TPP once he was sworn in. It's not like this vote settled nothing. Whether the hypothetical alternative is Pence or Clinton or Orrin Hatch, all I'm saying is things could be worse.

            • leweb
              @AdelleChattre -

              It can always be worse. I learned a while ago to never say it can't get worse. That's a challenge to the Universe, and it always takes it.