7 years ago
Ancient ocean deoxygenation provides an urgent warning
A 94-million-year-old climate change event that severely imperiled marine organisms may provide some unnerving insights into long-term trends in our modern oceans, according to a Florida State University researcher. In a study published today in the journal Science Advances, Assistant Professor of Geology Jeremy Owens traces a 50,000-year period of ocean deoxygenation preceding an ancient climate event that dramatically disturbed global ocean chemistry and led to the extinction of many marine organisms. He also draws parallels to similar rates of oxygen depletion observed in our contemporary oceans.
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Every single physical variable you can measure about our planet produces an urgent warning, but guess what? We're going to ignore them because we're way too busy thinking about money. Nothing is more urgent or important.
This i true,cause nothing else matters. In the end,aliens will someday visit a dead Earth and find 80 skeletons laying atop mountains of weird green slips of...Something.