• jessdabess

    It's a shame it ended up in such a development t hell. The cut scenes look like the ga me would have had some fun visual appeal even if the game play was lackluster.

    • kvn

      Oh come on, it's a video GAME. You aren't there to adore the graphics, but to enjoy the gameplay. Nintendo has never been a company known to put out visually stunning, gameplay lackluster games, but actually the complete opposite.

      • jessdabess

        I've totally played games that had lackluster game play just to enjoy cinematics. I mean look at games like Dantes inferno. The game play their was mediocre and a cheap imitation of God of war at best, but i was fun to play for the cinematics and envirinment. Just judging off of those cut scenes in the trailer I could sink 8-10 hours into a game for the fun of it. Even if the story is cheesy it can be enjoyable. At the end of the day it's better to have the option to at least try something as opposed to not.