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Published 8 years ago by picklefingers with 13 Comments
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  • jessdabess

    It's a shame it ended up in such a development t hell. The cut scenes look like the ga me would have had some fun visual appeal even if the game play was lackluster.

    • kvn

      Oh come on, it's a video GAME. You aren't there to adore the graphics, but to enjoy the gameplay. Nintendo has never been a company known to put out visually stunning, gameplay lackluster games, but actually the complete opposite.

      • jessdabess

        I've totally played games that had lackluster game play just to enjoy cinematics. I mean look at games like Dantes inferno. The game play their was mediocre and a cheap imitation of God of war at best, but i was fun to play for the cinematics and envirinment. Just judging off of those cut scenes in the trailer I could sink 8-10 hours into a game for the fun of it. Even if the story is cheesy it can be enjoyable. At the end of the day it's better to have the option to at least try something as opposed to not.

  • ThermalShock

    I wonder if the rigid adherence to the gameplay is the result of attempting to force the Wiis gimmicky waggle controls on a button masher type game. Button mashers are fine if you're mashing buttons with minimal effort and getting the satisfaction out of cobbling your opponents. I can see that being far less enjoyable if you're waving your arms around like you're trying to desperately hitch a ride off the freeway.

    • eilyra

      I can see that being far less enjoyable if you're waving your arms around like you're trying to desperately hitch a ride off the freeway.

      Oh it is. I don't know if Hyrule Warriors counts as a button masher, but I suppose it's close enough. If you choose to play that in co-op, with one player on a Wiimote, their auto-attack is swinging the Wiimote around. This gets rather annoying quickly as well as making combos rather difficult to time. You can still time them based on animation, but as you have such a weak sense of when you "pressed the button" for the previous part of the combo with the waving around it's still not a pleasant experience.

      So if you're playing Hyrule Warriors in local co-op, get Pro controllers or the adapter for the Game Cube controllers if you have some of those!

  • darkredninja

    I completely forgot about this game. At first when it was first shown it looked pretty fun.

  • JizzyJazz

    I would play this on PC, but not with a Wiimote.

    • Dernhelm

      I think the mouse and keyboard make for a better experience. I always thought the Wiimote made gaming difficult. It is very hard to adjust to new thing especially when you have been conditioned to a certain thing for so many years.

    • Dernhelm

      I think the mouse and keyboard make for a better experience. I always thought the Wiimote made gaming difficult. It is very hard to adjust to new thing especially when you have been conditioned to a certain thing for so many years.

  • Ryvaeus

    The game was quietly cancelled in 2009, and saw NST fall from its top-tier status to become a smaller, digital-only studio.

    The failure of this one game decided the fate of an entire studio. That's pretty heavy.

    • panzer

      That's the way gaming has been going for the past few years, mid tier studios have been squeezed out because the costs of making games are ridiculously high, one fuck up can sink an entire studio.

    • friendlysoviet

      But pretty common.

      If a company spends several months to a couple of years on a single product, and that product flops, chances are that company is going to be around for a while.

      Its the same reason why sequels are so common. They're safe bets.

  • zaywolfe

    The fact that the head designer faced the blunt of the downfall and that higher ups were to blame really bothers me.

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