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Published 11 years ago by pap003 with 2 Comments

How to Shine Your Shoes Like a Pro!

This guide teaches you how to shine your shoes in an complete and thorough way.

  • Every Man

    Needs to know how to shine his shoes like a pro. It's a life skill that many people don't ever learn anymore. Take the time to learn this artful skill, and practice it yourself. It's rewarding.


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  • drunkenninja (edited 11 years ago)

    Hey pap003, just a quick heads up..

    If you have a link to share you can click on the create snap button at top and just copy and paste the link right into that URL field. This will auto create a link snap for you that will do a lot of things you had to do manually. Give it a try next time you share a link to content outside of snapzu. BTW, welcome!

    What is the difference between a link and native snap?

    A link snap consists of a link to another website as the main content, while a native snap consists of content hosted on the Snapzu platform. Link snaps are very quick and easy to create and share, while native snaps usually take more time to build since it may contain original content.

    You can read the rest of the FAQ about snaps here.

    • pap003

      Thank you drunkenninja! That will save me a lot of time!

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