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  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    Orrrr you can be european, wait until the GDPR, and demand they erase your data.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    People have mentioned this elsewhere but there's a couple of factors that make this more complex, or something:

    The video is quite dark—but probably less dark than it would've been irl; see for example this picture for a better feel for what it would've looked like. If the car hadn't noticed, the driver should've (or would they have waited, assuming the car would stop? What's their policy?)

    Besides that LIDAR should've caught it. Here's an alleged expert, giving some interesting insight. Mostly, that Uber claims to be much better than they are.

    Thirdly, I've heard some half-assed attempts at saying the person should've been paying attention more, and philosophising about blame, etc, and how to solve that. But we've already got something veeeery analogous to someone sitting in a self-driving car: train drivers. They also just kind of sit there, hitting buttons whenever necessary and adjusting for the circumstances, but the basics are more or less the same: you get the thing going and assume everything is OK, but jump in when necessary. And I think that might make it easier to solve this issue. The driver wasn't paying attention, sure, but otoh what kind of training did they get from Uber? If that was lacking, hefty fine (near crippling if possible, imo) along with mandated readjustments of their training programmes, and permits; then have a look at punishing the driver. I mean, apparently they were in Tempe because the law is a clusterfuck and allows this kind of easy testing… What is it they say, "privatize profits, socialize losses"?

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  • 7 years ago
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  • 7 years ago
    Related Link ohtwenty

    Antonio Tajani, EU Parliament's President, Announces Cambridge Analytics Investigation

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  • 7 years ago
    Current Event ohtwenty

    Antonio Tajani, EU Parliament's President, Announces Cambridge Analytics Investigation

  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    Sheesh.... sounds like the only way out right now is a revolution.......

  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    Really glad to see the whole Public Money, Public Code starting to take off more. It's beyond ridiculous that tax-payers have to bear the costs of such large projects, and we don't even get to see the end results 99% of the time.

    Besides that it allows us, or at least some of us, to hold the government accountable for what they do.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    I had a conversation with some people and we saw this happening already like 3 days after the #metoo thing caught on; like the author says, the excesses are...... odd.

    I am very happy there's a few places where silence used to be the norm, but are now open to conversations. I just worry if it will last. And I worry more because 'my boss/colleague proposed sex in a clumsy way' is being conflated with 'my boss told me I'd lose my job if I didn't suck his dick'. The latter is kind of how #metoo started, but the former is waaaaaaaaaay more prevalent, so drowned out most of the conversation.

    And that sucks. Especially because the punishment is the same for everyone---15 minutes of dis-fame and potentially being fired---regardless of if there's any proof, or consideration for the alleged crimes.

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  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    I don't quite like the title because it implies HP is trying to silence the author or something, but if you read the email it just says they're adhering to a content policy they have. Which the original author should be aware of, since he's writing for them.

    In any case, the whole spotify thing is a house of cards waiting to fail. They have brand-name recognition, but like the author points out (really well!) they don't have anything that keeps you from switching. I pay them to play music. I can easily do that through another service, as long as the music is there. In fact, if I were made aware of a better alternative I would..... will be spending some time later looking some things up....

    But I think therein lies the issue with the whole streaming model. Can you really have an alternative? You can do something like apple does, with (temporarily) exclusive music, but that tends to piss people off. You can try to renegotiate the deals made with the labels, but aren't the labels just as much at fault as spotify??? Why is there always yelling at spotify but not at the labels for making these deals? I mean they're standard, on the webs -- google play/apple app store also take ~30% off the top.

    So to make a more 'fair' streaming service you'd need to get content (become your own label? tricky, hard, outside of the scope of the project) or negotiate better deals (which if labels cared they could do with spotify, but they don't?), or introduce a price hike to compensate more fairly (there's a reason pretty much all music streaming services are at ~$10, because no one can afford a higher price than others right now). Add on to that that the big labels pay money to spotify to get their artists promoted (those 'just for you' playlists are more like 'just for the label' with handpicked content that's slightly adjusted based on your taste, you won't find smaller/indy/non-promoted artists there).

    What I'm saying here is that I htink it's a bit unfair to blame it 100% on spotify. Yes, they're dumb and unaware, but the labels are to blame too, as are consumers, the system, etc. I don't think there's quite an easy fix.

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  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    super fascinating! really cool to see how much on this depended on timing, and how slow it spread, comparitively!

  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    let me start with a question: why is xbacklight not working for me? None of the fixes online seem to be working.... any idea?

    I can share what I've found, so far! First of all, after you're acquainted with the very basics, read over each part of the user's guide; even if you're not going to use it now it might come in handy in the future (I'm looking at you, scratchpad).

    Besides that, I've adjusted things in this way:

    Put the i3bar at the top, as per this

    Prettied the bar up using this source; mind you, I had to personally adjust the battery number due to how my laptop was set up before it would show up! (and if this is the case for you you'll have to do it twice!!!! once at the top, and down lower); ditto for wireless, which is on another dev # for me, for unknown reasons.

    I used this to set a grey generic background, but decided to put a pic instead, which it links to too.

    And lastly, and almost most importantly because it bothers me so much that this isn't included by default, here's a few settings on how to enable multimedia keys, like volume and brightness

    edit: wicd-client is what I'm using for wifi now, seems to work pretty well.

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    Posted in: Hints/tips for i3?

  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    Sorry, I tend to forget about that. As /u/AdelleChattre said, sci hub is a good tool, otherwise #icanhazpdf on twitter can be mildly succesful (please stick to the rules if you use it though), and if I post something again that's paywalled I might be able to get the pdf for you.

  • 7 years ago
    Text Post ohtwenty

    Hints/tips for i3?

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  • 7 years ago
    Analysis ohtwenty

    Bayesian analysis of multimethod ego‐depletion studies favours the null hypothesis

    In other words, self-control doesn't seem to be a limited resource.

  • 7 years ago
    Achievement ohtwenty

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 15/15 times! Congratulations ohtwenty on this achievement!

    +15015 XP
  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    He's right though, read the intel's response. They don't say anything, at all. It's great PR, but if you're looking for a fix you'd be very annoyed.

    Besides this article kind of makes it sound as if Linus just found out about this -- they've been working on fixes for this for months in silence & secrecy, trying to push fixes through as fast as possible and clean up the mess that Intel made. And then they say ridiculous things that don't amount to anything, promising fixes where there can't be any.

    By the way here's a great blog post that was one of the first to kind of put things together, and notice something was up; its predictions were a bit off but it was a good start.

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  • 7 years ago
    Related Link ohtwenty

    The inventor of Linux is furious at Intel

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  • 7 years ago
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  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    Welcome! What are your hobbies or interests? Also, how did you find this place?

  • 7 years ago
    Text Post ohtwenty

    happy holidays!

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  • 7 years ago
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    Busy Bee

    Maintained a 7 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations ohtwenty on this achievement!

    +10750 XP
  • 7 years ago
    Comment ohtwenty

    Definitely! And in theory the federated structure should mean it's possible to maintain that quality as it scales as well. in fact, they've now got one million users, and it still feels cozy and small scale, in a good way.